Annual Report 2021

Our 2021 Equipment Commitments to Yarmouth Regional Hospital

1. Colposcope (Perioperative Services) $35,893
2. C-Mac Fibreoptic (Perioperative Services) $25,000
3. ACL Repair Orthopedic Instruments(Perioperative Services) $45,000
4. Five Opthalmology Stretchers (Perioperative Services) $48,000
5. Two Bladder Scanners (Women & Children’s Health/OR; Medical Floors) $36,000
6. Direct Digital Radiography Unit (Diagnostic Imaging) $599,918
7. Two Telemetry Monitors (Emergency Department) $3,300
8. Osmometer (Laboratory) $599,918
9. Steam Sterilizer (Medical Device Reprocessing) $3,300
10. 41 Ceiling Lifts (Medical/Surgical Services) $399,950
11. Combination Oven (Nutrition and Food Services) $32,659
12. Surgical Table (Perioperative Services) $76,913
13. Wrist SPO2 Monitor (Respiratory Services) $1,602
14. Multi-parameter Patient Monitor (Women and Children’s Health) $30,765
15. Miscellaneous Equipment (Reserve fund for items under $1000) $10,000

TOTAL 2021 Equipment Commitment: $1,529,590

All items funded 100% by YHF donors