2024 Grant Recipients

Yarmouth Hospital Foundation has awarded a grant to the following 7 organizations to aid in their mission to promote health care in the Tri-County area. The grants are awarded from the Commitment to Health Care Community Fund.

Organizations are listed in alphabetical order:

  1. Clare Health Centre Foundation – Meteghan Centre

Purchase of 2wo bariatric walk on scales


  1. Digby & Area Health Services Charitable Foundation – Digby

Purchase of an Electrocardiogram (ECG)


  1. Lake Vaughan Volunteer Fire Department – Tusket Falls                                                  

To purchase a Simulaids Full Body Trauma/ CPR manikin with accessories for Medical First Responder training in SouthWest Nova.


  1. SouthWest Nova Scotia Ostomy Peer Support Group – Hebron

Sponsor retraining of 2 nurses to become Skin Wellness Associate Nurses and 2 nurses to become Wound, Ostomy & Continence Specialized Nurses.


  1. Villa Saint Joseph du Lac – Hebron                                       

To purchase batteries for Sit-To-Stand lift.


  1. VON Tri-County – Yarmouth                                                 

To purchase equipment for VON’s Yarmouth Nursing Clinic and community nursing staff who serve clients in their homes across the Tri County region.


  1. Yarmouth Lions Club – Yarmouth

To purchase an automated external defibrillator (AED) for the community centre.