Annual Report 2021

2021 In Review

In 2021, Yarmouth Hospital Foundation (YHF) committed a total of $1,529,590 towards essential equipment for Yarmouth Regional Hospital (YRH), serving Yarmouth, Digby and Shelburne counties. Among these purchases were a $76,913 surgical table for Perioperative Services, two bladder scanners for a total of $36,000 and $399,950 for 41 ceiling lifts for the medical/surgical floors, which improve conditions on the wards for patients and staff alike.

Also —

We announced our incredible gift of $22 million to improve health care in the area served by YRH for now and for generations to come!

We achieved accreditation with Imagine Canada, one of only four hospital foundations in Atlantic Canada to do so!

We administrated five nursing scholarships to five incredible students and continued as a major financial supporter of the Community Navigator Program’s efforts to attract doctors to the Tri-Counties!

We created the Healthcare Enhancement Endowment and issued eleven grants to community initiatives, projects, or programs within the Tri-Counties through our new Commitment to Healthcare Community Fund!

We also appointed a new managing director and had a record-breaking radiothon fundraiser!

How was your year?