Annual Report 2021

Financial report

With our community behind us every step of the way, Yarmouth Hospital Foundation can be confident in our goal to support health care today and tomorrow. The successful fundraising efforts in 2021 were a direct result of the unwavering commitment of you, our valued donors, and have enabled the YHF Board to commit over $3 million for equipment in 2022! Thank you!

Financial highlights for year ended December 31, 2021

Revenues 2021

Donations & fundraising $759,443
Investment income $2,275,681
Rental income $25,000
Total Revenue $3,087,124

Disbursements 2021

Contributions to Yarmouth Regional Hospital & donations to charities $1,547,899
Physician recruitment initiatives and scholarships $67,185
Fundraising $73,540
Administration & employee compensation $461,021
Total Disbursements $2,149,645


Operating surplus for the year $907,479
Unrealized gain* on equity investments $2,163,201
Transfer to Future Fund $907,000
Excess $2,163,680

*An unrealized gain is the increase in the fair market value of an investment over its cost for investments that are not sold. In compliance with the Accounting Standards for the Not-For-Profit Organizations (ASNPO), charitable organizations must record their investments for financial statement purposes at fair market value. The change in the year-end difference between the organization’s investment cost and fair market value is recorded as an unrealized gain/loss for that year.