September is Will Power Month

We are lucky. Supporters of Yarmouth Hospital Foundation are thoughtful individuals who share a concern for health care in the Tri-Counties now and for generations to come.
Often people think about contributing to the causes they care about with monthly donations or volunteering time, but there is a growing number of people who are going one step further to leave a gift to charity in their Wills. Did you know the Canadian government has created some of the best tax incentives in the world to encourage more giving to charity, especially from your estate? You can make a powerful contribution that will last for generations to come, without taking away from the resources you or your family needs.
When you look into it, you may be surprised to learn that a donation of as little as a 1% of your estate can result in a bigger contribution than you ever thought possible. You are still leaving 99% of your estate to support your loved ones, and you’re not using any of the money you need now.
You can find out more on our Will Power site or you can contact us at (902)749-1669 to find out more.