Posts tagged with "donations & donors"

The Community Stepping Up – RBC

It’s not every day you get a call asking for volunteer opportunities, and even rarer when they offer to pay for the privilege! But we at the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation were very happy to hear from Danny Reid, an investment retirement planner at Yarmouth RBC. As part of RBC’s Employee Volunteer Grant program, eight volunteers offered to spend a couple of hours weeding and gardening in front of Veteran’s Place at Yarmouth Regional Hospital. The resulting donation of $1,500 will help us fulfill our mandate of supporting and enhancing healthcare in our region!


The RBC Volunteers presenting YFH Managing Director Mary Surette with their donation.

The RBC Volunteers presenting YFH Managing Director Mary Surette (second from left) with their donation.

As Nonie Crowell (Assistant Bank Manager, RBC Yarmouth Branch) says, “The Yarmouth Hospital Foundation is a very important part of the community. Whenever we can, we will give to them.” Indeed, RBC has also assisted with our WE CARE Radiothon for numerous years. It’s all part of their employee initiative that aims to help our communities thrive.

Community-led fundraisers such as this enable the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation to expand our support throughout the Yarmouth Regional Hospital. If you’re interested in hosting a community fundraising event, give us a call at 902-749-1669. We’d be happy to help with promotion!


Fostering the Next Generation of Nursing

A generous Yarmouth couple has endowed the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation’s newest scholarship — an annual $1,000 scholarship for students enrolled in the LPN program at the Burridge campus of Nova Scotia Community College.

“It’s our way of giving back,” say foundation supporters Ron and Bev Smith. They decided to make this incredible contribution as an endowment to the Licensed Practical Nursing program because it’s a gift that keeps on giving. (An endowment means that the principal is invested and the return on the investment covers the scholarship each year.)

Ron knows about investments — he had a career as chief financial officer in several industries. Ron and Bev also both have strong connections to the healthcare field — Bev as a nurse and Ron as a former chair and director of the IWK Health Centre. They both grew up in Yarmouth, but they moved back from the Halifax area in 2006 when they retired. They quickly found their ideal home with a huge picture window giving them a beautiful view of Lake Milo.

Bev and Ron are particularly concerned about the stresses aging baby boomers like themselves are placing on healthcare and the need to step up recruitment of professionals in the field. “Our scholarship is a way to make a tangible difference for years to come,” Ron says, adding they hope their gift will inspire others to contribute.

Bev remembers how important it was to her own nursing career to receive a $500 scholarship. That was in 1970, she says. It paid her tuition and some other expenses.

The Smiths’ scholarship joins two others for the Burridge program that are funded by the foundation. The foundation also administers nine scholarships to the Dalhousie School of Nursing, Yarmouth Campus.

LPNs may make up to 50 percent of the nursing staff in some departments at the Yarmouth hospital, and the Burridge program has a reputation for more hands-on clinical experience than available at similar programs elsewhere in the province. “We hope our scholarship can inspire some young people to enter the nursing field,” Bev says.

Further details regarding scholarship applications will be available in September.

The YHF 2024 Annual General Meeting

The Yarmouth Hospital Foundation is holding its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, June 11th, 2024, at 5:30pm. It will be held in the Bluenose Room, at the Yarmouth Regional Hospital.

Everyone is welcome to attend — however, only members are eligible to vote. Eligible voters are those individuals who have made a donation since last year’s AGM.

For more information, reach out via email at, or by phone at 902-749-1669.

Updated Laparoscopic Suites

An Exciting Upgrade

The new laparoscopic suites at Yarmouth Regional Hospital (YRH) are to the ones installed a dozen years ago as smart phones are to flip phones. Almost everything in the two operating rooms is brand new  — lights, monitors, screens, beds, cameras and all of the other technology and specialized equipment our surgeons need to do their work, says Gina Leaman, nurse manager for Perioperative Services. (Perioperative is the term for the whole process from admitting to procedure to recovery.)

An Upgraded Laparoscopic Suite

One of YRH’s two upgraded laparoscopic suites.

The new minimally invasive surgical (MIS) suites were made possible thanks to the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation, which covered the full cost of $1.5 million. “The old suites were a big improvement but the new suites are a thousand times better,” says team leader Deborah Janke. “The technology is so much better for patients, as well as the staff.” It allows the surgical staff easy visual access to x-rays, CT-scans and MRIs, and that improves accuracy and speed, Deborah says.

Since Yarmouth Regional is a teaching hospital, medical residents and student nurses often attend and the camera system and monitors can shift around to get the best views for the surgeons and nurses and to help them teach. About half of all surgeries are laparoscopic, but the equipment is also a major asset for open surgeries, making detailed visual information available at the push of a button.

What is Laparoscopic Surgery?

Gina Leaman (Nurse Manager for Perioperative Services)

Gina Leaman — Nurse Manager for Perioperative Services

Laparoscopy is a less invasive surgery than open surgery and requires less recovery time. A laparoscope, a thin lighted tube that has a video camera, is inserted via a tiny incision to examine and treat the organs of the abdomen. Hernias, gall bladders, appendixes and bowels are the four most common surgeries performed in Yarmouth. Often five or six procedures are performed in each of the suites daily, but some surgeries, like bowel surgery could take a whole day, Gina says.

Laparoscopic technology is also used to give physicians a clear and detailed picture of a patient’s condition, to allow the physician to determine how that condition should be treated. For example, many of the scopes for hip and knee problems are done here, which frees up OR time in Kentville where the more complex surgery is done.

Besides the surgeon, each operation requires an assistant, an anesthetist and three OR nurses. YRH has four general surgeons, two gynaecologists, one ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist, one ophthalmologist, five visiting urologists two days a week and six visiting orthopaedic surgeons. They are assisted by 22 OR nurses, plus part-time and casual RNs.



Community Fundraisers for the WE CARE Radiothon

Fundraising for the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation’s WE Care Radiothon starts long before we hit the airwaves on Feb 29th.

One of the most ‘talked about’ events for the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation is just around the corner … the WE CARE Radiothon!  2024 is a leap year and on Thursday, February 29th, we, along with presenting sponsor Y95, invite you to take a leap forward with us in support of your regional hospital once again.

The entire Tri-County community of Yarmouth, Digby & Shelburne will benefit from the new cardia rehab program coming to your regional hospital, so we are calling on the entire Tri-County community to support this important fundraiser!

Community fundraisers in support of WE CARE Radiothon:

Bruce Group Yarmouth: Honda, Chrysler & Kia are offering a donation to the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation for every test drive and vehicle sold during the month of February.

Next time you are in Wilson’s Home Hardware in Barrington Passage or Carleton Country Outfitters in Carleton, drop your loose change into one of the WE CARE Radiothon red jugs.

Here’s some other ways you can be part of WE CARE Radiothon 2024:

  • Friendly competition is one of the best motivators out there! Challenge a co-worker to meet or beat your fundraising total or throw a company-wide collection challenge.
  • Give a donation instead of exchanging Valentine or birthday gifts.
  • Sell secret valentines or candy-grams.
  • Host a“trivia night” and ask friends to make a donation to attend.
  • Have a bake sale, a craft sale or a cake walk.
  • Save all of your loose change and donate it – Little Chevrolet has once again pledged to match all coin donations on Radiothon day up to $5,000!

Show us how much YOU CARE! It’s community support that will enable your regional hospital to provide the best health care possible to the residents of  Digby, Shelburne and Yarmouth counties.  Every bit helps!

Four new state-of-the-art radiant infant warmers are on their way.

The newest, littlest residents of the Tri-Counties will have a ‘warm start’ in life thanks to YOU!

Once again we at Yarmouth Hospital Foundation are in awe of our donors and are delighted to announce that the Christmas Appeal in support of the Women & Children’s Health unit was a great success because of you!

Our regional hospital touches the lives of many individuals and families from the Tri-County region every single day of the year. Health care equipment is expensive, and the technology is continually updating. Your donations, like the ones that are funding these radiant infant warmers for Women & Children’s Health, continue to provide our care teams with the essential resources they need to provide the best care possible in keeping our families and our community healthy.

It is you that is making a big difference in health care and for that, we are extremely grateful. THANK YOU!

Why I give to the foundation

“It’s good to give to the foundation. I see what donors’ dollars do every day, for our doctors and nurses, and even for us ward clerks. It’s important. It helps the hospital. And it honours our beautiful little boy. We still miss him so much.”


Lynette Hayward-Byrd has worked for Yarmouth Regional Hospital for 22 years. She’s a ward clerk for 4B, Complex Care. She’s also a regular donor to Yarmouth Hospital Foundation through our memorial program and has a very special reason for her donations.

Six years ago, Lynette’s step-grandson Mason, along with three other children, passed in a tragic house fire in Pubnico. “Mason was the sweetest little boy ever.” she said. “He was a kind old soul in a little, adventurous body! He loved going fishing with his dad and travelling with family. We all adored him and many, many people miss him.”

Since the tragedy, Lynette has donated to Yarmouth Hospital Foundation’s memorial program three times a year: for Mason’s birthday, at Christmas (she loves to see his name on our memorial tree) and for the WE CARE Radiothon since it falls close to the anniversary of the fire. “I give to the Foundation to keep his name out there. I love that you put the names up on social media every month, and love seeing it on the tree: it keeps his name alive. He was so loved and it’s good to see his name out there.”

Also, since she works in the hospital, Lynette said, “It’s good to give to the foundation. I see what donors’ dollars do every day, for our doctors and nurses, and even for us ward clerks. It’s important. It helps the hospital. And it honours our beautiful little boy. We still miss him so much.”

You Bought This!

Your donations at work at Yarmouth Regional Hospital

Last Fall, Yarmouth Hospital Foundation held our first-ever Sou’West Walkathon to raise money towards the purchase of eight specially designed Broda tilt and recline wheelchairs for the ICU.

Well, here’s the exciting news: you bought them!

With the contributions made from the walkathon, as well as the ongoing generosity of donors like you, Yarmouth Hospital Foundation purchased all eight Broda chairs, and they’re already in use at your regional hospital! Sharon Harvie, Health Care Manager – ICU, Acute Care 3B/3C told us, “I am very appreciative of the support of the community in providing much needed equipment for our patients.  The staff, patients and families truly appreciate it!”

Because our walkathon walkers were so instrumental in making this purchase happen, we invited the highest fundraising team and individual to come and see these exciting new wheelchairs, and to meet some of the staff who will be using them. Team ‘Lumberjack Legacy’ was comprised of Denise Nickerson and Angele Scott, and our highest fundraising walker was Yarmouth Hospital Foundation board member, Jim Smith.

Angele Scott, a NS Health employee, has seen the impact of the foundation’s donors around the hospital, but she and Denise had a more personal reason for supporting the walkathon. Rob Kane, Denise’s partner, spent three weeks in the ICU last November. “It really brought it home,” Denise told us, “how much we all need the hospital. We wanted to give back.”

Angele, Rob’s cousin, agreed: “Helping the hospital is always a good cause, but this was personal since we had Rob in the ICU last year. That kept us walking, even on the rainy days.” She also noted that the online fundraiser format meant that other members of their extended family who they might not see in person were able to donate towards their fundraising efforts.

Hannah Wray, Team Lead for Acute Care 3B/3C was enthusiastic about the equipment: “These wheelchairs hugely improve care and comfort and are so much safer for our staff! Many thanks to everyone who donated to help make this a reality for our patients!”

Jim Smith, Yarmouth Hospital Foundation board member is an avid walker on an ordinary day, and he took the foundation’s walkathon as a personal challenge. “It meant that I couldn’t miss a day, not even for the rain,” he told us. “Ultimately, the needs of the hospital are so great, and fundraisers like this are a good ‘exercise’ towards helping meet unlimited needs,” Jim said.

Kathy Ogden, Team Lead for the ICU, knows just how ongoing and unlimited the needs of the hospital are. She’s worked for Yarmouth Regional Hospital for 45 years, and the ICU specifically for 25 years. “I’m always excited when the foundation brings us new equipment, like these chairs or our recent ceiling lifts! I could name every piece of equipment that the foundation’s donors have bought for us, the new equipment, the updates and the upgrades. Hospital technology is always advancing, and your donors are so generous and so appreciated!”

Thank you so much for making a difference in health care in the Tri-Counties!

Tusket Toyota Matches Monthly Giving to Yarmouth Hospital Foundation

This Giving Tuesday, Yarmouth Hospital Foundation is thrilled to announce the incredible expansion of our Heart of the Hospital Monthly Giving program as Tusket Toyota have stepped up for health care in your community! Thanks to the generosity of Tusket Toyota, our new Matching Partner, your dollars just doubled. If you sign up today to donate monthly to Yarmouth Hospital Foundation, Tusket Toyota will match your monthly donations every month! This means that your money will go further — twice as far, in fact! — and it will have even more impact for Yarmouth Regional Hospital.

Tusket Toyota have supported Yarmouth Hospital Foundation for over eighteen years, and are featured in the Leaders category on our Wall of Honour. In fact, we consider them one of our loyal Corporate Partners in Healthcare — and now they’re your partner, too, doubling your monthly gift to your regional hospital, and multiplying your impact.

Monthly Giving donors are a special kind of donor, which is why we call them the Heart of the Hospital. Their reliable, regular contributions provide an invaluable resource of sustained funding for Yarmouth Hospital Foundation, allowing our regional hospital to invest money where it’s needed most and to plan for long-term projects that will change patients’ lives for generations to come. That’s the power of monthly giving.

Last year, our Monthly Giving Donors’ funds went towards the purchase of a PhysioGait Dynamic Unweighting System. The equipment is an essential piece for the Rehabilitation department as it allows patients to safely mobilize without having to fully bear their own weight. Natalie Bourque, manager of Yarmouth Regional Hospital Rehabilitation Services told us that “this equipment allows patients to work on their gait while having their weight supported. It decreases the risk of falls and creates a safe environment for both the patients and the staff member. Without this equipment, staff would be unable to safely mobilize patients who require a higher level of physical support.”

Giving Tuesday is the perfect time to join the Heart of the Hospital program as a monthly donor. It’s easy and convenient to set up a regular monthly contribution that works within your budget. You can give in any amount of your choosing and may adjust your amount or cancel your donation at any time. A little money every month goes a long way for local health care, right here at home.

Yarmouth Hospital Foundation Managing Director Mary Surette says, “Monthly giving is a simple and powerful way to have a significant and long-term impact on health care in the Tri-Counties: that’s why I’m part of the Heart of the Hospital Program, too. The impact of monthly giving is very real, and now it’s only going to be greater thanks to Tusket Toyota.”


Maple Grove students STOMP over to Yarmouth Hospital Foundation with a generous donation!

Maple Grove students fundraise for Yarmouth Hospital Foundation

When Grade 8 students — now graduates — Leila Ben Mohamed and Chris Coggins arrived at the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation office at the Yarmouth Regional Hospital to present a cheque for $759.15, the Maple Grove students were excited to share how they came to raise the money and why they chose to donate to the foundation. They were part of STOMP, a pilot project aimed at helping students in grades 7 to 12 develop an understanding of the factors influencing tobacco use and vaping and the consequences.

STOMP stands for Students Together Moving to Prevent Tobacco Use, explained faculty adviser and Grade 7 teacher Max Taylor. The group consists of student council members, athletes and kids who have experienced vaping themselves. Vaping is pretty common among students especially in the bathrooms, Leila and Chris agree. Smoking not so much. Kids perceive that vaping is a healthier alternative to smoking and don’t appreciate the dangers, their teacher pointed out. It’s more accessible and “you’re not walking around smelling of it.”

“It’s a program where you’re helping the community, you’re helping kids and your friends be aware of vaping and it’s a powerful message,” said Chris.

Leila explained that they made presentations to each class, followed by making posters inspired by the STOMP message. Leila and another student, Faith Lewis, were interviewed about STOMP on Y95. They also had donation jars in each classroom, Chris added. “If you raised a certain amount of money, Mr. Taylor would get pied in the face.” He wasn’t the only teacher to volunteer to get up close and personal with a whipped cream pie. And there’s video — lots of video!

Chris said the program has had a good response and made at least one convert. A friend of his stopped after hearing their presentation.

“We chose the foundation to donate to because most people affected by smoking or vaping have to come to the hospital if they are having problems,” Leila said. “Everyone needs the hospital one time or another.”

“We love to see donations from student groups and schools,” said foundation managing director Mary Surette. “We really appreciate their generosity at a young age. A huge thank you to these extraordinary young people!”

Maple Grove is one of about a dozen test locations across Canada for STOMP, an initiative of Physical Health and Education Canada. The two-year pilot project was launched at Maple Grove for the 2022-23 school year.

Radiothon Reflections, 2023

So, it almost goes without saying that we were extremely excited that the 2023 WE CARE Radiothon was planned to be open to the public again, thanks to Yarmouth Mall for hosting Radiothon Headquarters once more and the Y95 radio station being able to host visitors again. Last year’s virtual Radiothon was a unique experience, but the entire committee, under the leadership of our co-chairs Joy Gillespie and Peggy Green, was absolutely enthused at the thought of getting to bring the public into Radiothon again!

And what a year to do it: the YHF board selected three pieces of equipment (a portable ultrasound, a bladder scanner & an electrocardiogram machine) for the Yarmouth Regional Hospital Emergency Department as our fundraising focus! If there’s anything that we can all agree on, it’s that the Emergency Department needs our help! It was the second year for the online auction, which was, in itself a great fundraiser with generous donations from businesses and artists throughout the Tri-County area. Everything was building to a perfect day…

And March 2nd came in ‘like a lion’: it started out snowy, and it got snowier! But that didn’t stop the Tri-Counties for coming out for the Emergency Department in a big way: we raised over $160,000! This included $18,000 to purchase the bladder scanner outright from the Yarmouth Professional Fire Fighters Assoc. Local 2094, and over $11,000 from our auction!

With the day turning out like that, even with the weather going the way it did, all we can say is THANK YOU, TRI-COUNTIES for showing, once again, just how much you CARE!

Keep the love going!

The last two years have been challenging for all of us, but we have never stopped working for you. Yarmouth Hospital Foundation’s work with your regional hospital has never been so important as it has been during the pandemic and during this time of crisis in Canadian health care. Through the generosity of donors like you, new services become available each year to help reduce the burden of travel on Tri-County residents. Your donations also enable major contributions to initiatives around recruiting and retaining doctors in our area, and fund nine scholarships to the Dalhousie School of Nursing, Yarmouth Campus.

Our resolve to do more to improve the provision of health care in the area served by Yarmouth Regional Hospital has made us look for ways to do things differently. This is why we continue to partner with Will Power, a national movement inspiring Canadians to think differently about charitable giving, and support the causes they care about through a gift in their Wills.

Most of us spend a lifetime contributing to a cause that’s close to our heart. But more and more Canadians are going one step further to leave a gift to charity in their Will. You can make a bigger contribution than you ever thought possible, without using any of the money you need now. It’s also important to consider that a charitable gift in your Will can go a long way towards reducing the amount of taxes to be levied against your estate after you pass. You can read about some of the tax advantages of giving through your Will here, and how some clever financial planning may actually empower you to do more with your estate than you might have realised possible.

You’ve always found ways of giving back. Keep the love going. Support Yarmouth Hospital Foundation in your Will.

September is Will Power Month

We are lucky. Supporters of Yarmouth Hospital Foundation are thoughtful individuals who share a concern for health care in the Tri-Counties now and for generations to come.
Often people think about contributing to the causes they care about with monthly donations or volunteering time, but there is a growing number of people who are going one step further to leave a gift to charity in their Wills. Did you know the Canadian government has created some of the best tax incentives in the world to encourage more giving to charity, especially from your estate? You can make a powerful contribution that will last for generations to come, without taking away from the resources you or your family needs.
When you look into it, you may be surprised to learn that a donation of as little as a 1% of your estate can result in a bigger contribution than you ever thought possible. You are still leaving 99% of your estate to support your loved ones, and you’re not using any of the money you need now.
You can find out more on our Will Power site or you can contact us at (902)749-1669 to find out more.

Giving from her big red heart

Sophia Moulaison is just 9 years old — 9 and a half, actually — but she’s already learned how to be giving, kind and generous.

A few weeks ago, a hand-written letter arrived in the office of Yarmouth Hospital Foundation signed by Sophia with her name and a big red heart. “You have done so much for our community,” she wrote. “A big thanks to you, Yarmouth Hospital.”

Sophia was visiting her grandparents — Lorna and Brian Amirault — when they opened their mail, including Yarmouth Hospital Foundation’s Spring Appeal newsletter. The letter described our goal, to raise money towards the $70,000 purchase of two multi-parameter vital signs monitors for the Emergency Department. The monitors provide information on blood pressure, oxygen saturation, cardiac activity and more. “I thought I should probably send something back and I didn’t have a lot of money, so I wrote the note and Grammy put some money in there,” Sophie explained.

“Sophia’s letter and contribution have been an inspiration,” said Mary Surette, managing director of Yarmouth Hospital Foundation, when she met with Sophia to bring her the charitable receipt for her gift. Sophia’s letter has been framed and proudly displayed on Mary’s office wall.

This fall, Sophia will be entering grade 4 at Meadowfields, but she already has big plans for her future. “I want to be a nurse when I grow up,” she confessed. In the meantime, she is enjoying day camp and looking forward to a trip to Disney World in August, particularly the roller coasters.  (Mom Melissa Moulaison, a teacher at Maple Grove, said Sophia is a thrill seeker by nature.)

Our young philanthropist has said that she intends to continue to support the foundation and other worthwhile charities in the future. If you’d like to follow Sophia’s lead, you can do so in the following ways:

YHF announces three new nursing scholarships

Yarmouth Hospital Foundation is delighted to announce the creation of three additional scholarships for students entering the Dalhousie University Bachelor of Science Nursing (BScN) program (Yarmouth Campus) beginning this fall. Thanks to a generous gift from an anonymous donor, intended to support education, an endowment has been created that will provide for additional $3000 School of Nursing scholarships every year. This addition brings our scholarship total to nine.

Mary Surette, Managing Director of Yarmouth Hospital Foundation, notes that she is “Simply overwhelmed by this most generous support and the wonderful opportunities that these scholarships will give to our future health care providers and leaders.”

These scholarships join four other endowment-created scholarships provided by donors from the Tri-County area, and two that are funded directly by Yarmouth Hospital Foundation, including the new for 2022 Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity scholarship named for local heroine Sara Corning. “With the current rising need of healthcare workers there is an opportunity for Yarmouth Hospital Foundation to assist in our community,” notes Board Chair Neil LeBlanc, “and to invest in the future of health care in the Tri-County area.”

This year, approximately 36 new students will begin their training; with nine scholarships available, that means scholarships will be awarded to about 25 percent of this year’s entering class.

For more information and to apply, see

Pictured: 2021’s Nursing Scholarship winners:  (L-R) Faughne Stewart, Brett Reeves, Montana Millet, Savana d’Entremont and Alexa Jeffery

Help us win $20,000 through the Great Canadian Giving Challenge!

Help us win!

Every dollar that you donate to Yarmouth Hospital Foundation through CanadaHelps from June 1st to 30th, 2022, is an entry into a draw for us to win $20,000 that we could put into your regional hospital! “Every $1 donated gives your favourite charity the chance to win so the more you give, the greater the chances your charity has to WIN the grand prize!”

The Great Canadian Giving Challenge coincides perfectly with our Spring Appeal, so we’re pretty thrilled. It’s a great time to encourage the generosity of the Tri-County area towards Yarmouth Regional Hospital, and $20,000 would be a wonderful boost for us. In fact, it would be such a great boost that we’ve decided to sweeten the pot for you, our donors, and have our own draw.

Every donation received by Yarmouth Hospital Foundation through CanadaHelps from June 1st to 30th will get you entered into a draw at the end of the month to win… a prepaid VISA card loaded with $250!  It’s win/win! What would you do with an extra $250 in your pocket?

And what would we do with an extra $20,000 in ours? Well, our Spring Appeal is raising funds towards two multiparameter monitors for you regional hospital’s Emergency Department — those are $37,500 each — so this extra $20,000 means we would be halfway towards purchasing one of these, or maybe even a third monitor for your ED! How exciting is that?


What do you think? Do you feel lucky?

Mystery Donor Gives $22 Million Donation for Healthcare

Mystery Donor Gives $22 Million Donation for Healthcare – largest gift ever received in Foundation’s 50-year history

March 10, 2021 (YARMOUTH, NS) — The people of Yarmouth, Digby and Shelburne Counties in Western, Nova Scotia are in awe of the generosity of a community-minded individual who donated $22 million to the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation (YHF).

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New urology program at Yarmouth Regional Hospital

More people in Digby, Shelburne and Yarmouth counties can receive specialized health care services closer to home thanks to collaboration, careful planning and a generous contribution from a Clare community group to the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation. A new urology program began serving patients from across the tri-counties at Yarmouth Regional Hospital in January, 2018.

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