Radiothon Reflections, 2023

So, it almost goes without saying that we were extremely excited that the 2023 WE CARE Radiothon was planned to be open to the public again, thanks to Yarmouth Mall for hosting Radiothon Headquarters once more and the Y95 radio station being able to host visitors again. Last year’s virtual Radiothon was a unique experience, but the entire committee, under the leadership of our co-chairs Joy Gillespie and Peggy Green, was absolutely enthused at the thought of getting to bring the public into Radiothon again!

And what a year to do it: the YHF board selected three pieces of equipment (a portable ultrasound, a bladder scanner & an electrocardiogram machine) for the Yarmouth Regional Hospital Emergency Department as our fundraising focus! If there’s anything that we can all agree on, it’s that the Emergency Department needs our help! It was the second year for the online auction, which was, in itself a great fundraiser with generous donations from businesses and artists throughout the Tri-County area. Everything was building to a perfect day…

And March 2nd came in ‘like a lion’: it started out snowy, and it got snowier! But that didn’t stop the Tri-Counties for coming out for the Emergency Department in a big way: we raised over $160,000! This included $18,000 to purchase the bladder scanner outright from the Yarmouth Professional Fire Fighters Assoc. Local 2094, and over $11,000 from our auction!

With the day turning out like that, even with the weather going the way it did, all we can say is THANK YOU, TRI-COUNTIES for showing, once again, just how much you CARE!