Annual Impact Report 2021

The Yarmouth Hospital Foundation is pleased to provide you with our 2021 Annual Impact Report.  In this publication you will discover how donor dollars have made a difference in the health care services provided at the Yarmouth Regional Hospital to the residents of Yarmouth, Shelburne & Digby counties.

In total, the foundation received over $750,000 in gifts and committed over $1.5 million to equipment purchases for ten different departments in your regional hospital in 2021. Thank-you, Tri-Counties!

English: Messages | Reports | Impact | Equipment in Focus | Fundraising
French: Messages | Rapports | Impact | Équipements | Collectes de fonds

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Message from the YHF Board Chair | Message from the treasurer
Message from the site lead | Message from the managing director
Farewell to Paulette


Year in review | Accreditation report | Equipment list 2021
Financial Report | By the numbers


$22 million gift | Healthcare Enhancement Endowment | Nursing scholarships
Patient stories: Wanda & Susan | Community Navigator Program

Equipment in Focus

Ceiling lifts | Surgical services | Bladder scanners


Y95.5 | WE CARE Radiothon | Tri-County Betterment Radio Bingo | Gifts in Memory
Denise Comeau & Gladys Bower | Wall of Honour | Staff lottery | Our Donors 2021



Message du président du conseil de la FHY | Message du trésorier
Message de la chef de l’hôpital | Message de la directrice générale
Adieu à Paulette


Bilan de l’année | Rapport d’accréditation | Liste d’équipements 2021
Rapport financier | Statistiques


Cadeau de 22 M$ | Dotation pour l’amélioration des soins de santé
Bourse d’études en soins infirmiers | Récits de patientes : Wanda et Susan
Programme d’orientation communautaire


Lève-personnes | Services chirurgicaux | Échographes vésicaux

Collectes de fonds

Y95.5 | Radiothon WE CARE | Bingo à la radio de la Tri-County Betterment Association
Cadeaux commémoratifs | Denise Comeau et Gladys Bower | Mur d’honneur
Loterie du personnel | Nos donateurs en 2021


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English version of the YHF Annual Impact Report 2021

Format: PDF
Size: 11.4 MB


Version française de la FHY Rapport d’impact annuel 2021

Format: PDF
Size: 11.6 MB
